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Details of extension .wdf

On this page, we're going to take a closer look at the .wdf file extension. We'll explain what exactly a .wdf fileformat is and how you can use it. If you're interested in learning more details about this type of file, we'll show you where to find them. And if you ever need to convert .wdf files into different formats, we'll give you some tips on how to do that too. Let's see the 11 file formats associated with this file extension!


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wdf file - Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation Data

Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation Data

The WDF file is a Microsoft Windows Driver Foundation Data. Windows Driver Foundation (WDF) is a set of tools and libraries that aid in the creation of device drivers for Windows 2000 and later versions of Windows.
Category: Development files
Application: WDF
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.pt pop!site HTML Page Template
.lzx OpenLaszlo Web Application
.wbs WebExpress Website Data
.bml Better Markup Language File
wdf file - ReliaSoft Weibull++ Data

ReliaSoft Weibull++ Data

The WDF file is a ReliaSoft Weibull++ Data. ReliaSoft Weibull++ software provides a complete array of data analysis, plotting and reporting tools for standard life data analysis (LDA).
Category: Data files
Application: ReliaSoft Weibull++
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.rlw ReliaSoft Weibull++ Page
.npa ReliaSoft Weibull++ NPA Data
.rdoe ReliaSoft DOE++ Project
.drt ReliaSoft DOE++ Report Data
wdf file - WinGenea Genealogy Data

WinGenea Genealogy Data

The WDF file is a WinGenea Genealogy Data. WinGenea is a Windows program that displays and prints family trees.
Category: Data files
Application: WinGenea
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.pdb Tanida Demo Builder Data
.sen SenTest Data
.wallet MultiDoge Wallet Data
.ipr iProcrastinate Data
wdf file - WinDev Custom Installation Data

WinDev Custom Installation Data

The WDF file is a WinDev Custom Installation Data. WinDev is an integrated development environment (IDE) fourth generation language (4GL), first published by PC SOFT in 1993, which is based upon a run-time engine (framework).
Category: Development files
Application: WinDev
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.tkp WinDev Project Archive
.wdv WinDev Conversion Data
.wdk WinDev Component
.wbp WinDev Project Identifiers Data
wdf file - Wintech Profiler Drawing

Wintech Profiler Drawing

The WDF file is a Wintech Profiler Drawing. Wintech Profiler is a CAD/CAM software package by Wintech Engineering.
Category: Document files
Application: Wintech Profiler
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.svd SolidView Design
.ubz OpenBoard Document
.mox Montax Imposer Template Document
.drw ANVIL-1000MD Drawing
wdf file - Workshare Deltafile

Workshare Deltafile

The WDF file is a Workshare Deltafile. It is the proprietary file format used by DeltaView. The DeltaFile contains the comparison and a reference to the original and modified documents.
Category: Document files
Application: Workshare Compare
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.cwdb ClarisWorks Database
.xlam Microsoft Excel 2007 VBA Add-in
.uli Microsoft Office ULI Data
.silk Microsoft Excel Symbolic Link
wdf file - WinDupe Disk Image

WinDupe Disk Image

The WDF file is a WinDupe Disk Image. WinDupe is a disk duplicator software for Microsoft Windows.
Category: Disk Image files
Application: WinDupe
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.mir Mini Image Ripper Image
.xmf GameJack Disk Image Data
.dv1 Gear DVD Video Image
.mds Media Descriptor for Disk Image
wdf file - Wonderland Adventures Media Data

Wonderland Adventures Media Data

The WDF file is a Wonderland Adventures Media Data. The Wonderland Adventures Editor is a level editor for Wonderland Adventures.
Category: Data files
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.wop Wonderland Adventures Editor Object
.wa2 Wonderland Adventures Custom Adventure Data
wdf file - Petrosys Well Data

Petrosys Well Data

The WDF file is a Petrosys Well Data. Petrosys is a mapping and data visualization application tailored to the needs of the hands-on professional in petroleum exploration and production.
Category: Data files
Application: Petrosys
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.fal Petrosys Fault Data
.sdf Petrosys Seismic Data
.cul Petrosys Culture Data
.dbm Petrosys dbMap Data
wdf file - Wiimms WDF Tool Image

Wiimms WDF Tool Image

The WDF file is a Wiimms WDF Tool Image. Wiimms WDF Tool is a Wii and GameCube ISO manipulation tool.
Category: Disk Image files
Application: Wiimms WDF Tool
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
wdf file - Renishaw WiRE Data

Renishaw WiRE Data

The WDF file is a Renishaw WiRE Data. Windows-based Raman Environment (WiRE) is a software interface that interacts with hardware such as microscopes.
Category: Data files
Application: Renishaw WiRE
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:

The .wdf file extension might not only belong to a single type of file, there could be various kinds that use it. Keep in mind that files with the .wdf extension may contain various content types. If you have helpful information about this extension, write to us!

Could someone have spelled the .wdf file extension wrong?

In our database, we came across the following similar extensions:

.wdr GTA 4 Map and Weapon Model
.wsf Windows Script File
.adf ReliaSoft ALTA Data
.wdg WinDev Procedures
.wde WinDev Report File
.wd Earth 2140 Game Archive

The .wdf extension is frequently misused

People sometimes confuse the .wdf filename extension. Based on the searches on our site, here are the most common misspellings from the past year.

wdr (1), wsf (1), adf (1), wdg (1), wde (1), wd (1), sdf (1), wdc (1), wdb (1), wfd (1)

Having trouble opening a .wdf file?

If you want to open a .wdf file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. Incorrect settings for the .wdf association can trigger this error.

Windows can't open this file:

File: example.wdf

To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.

To change file associations:

  • Right-click a file with the extension whose association you want to change, and then click Open With.
  • In the Open With dialog box, click the program whith which you want the file to open, or click Browse to locate the program that you want.
  • Select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box.

Supported operating systems

Windows Server 2016/2019/2022, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux, Mac OS X, macOS, iOS, Android