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ENVI File Extensions

On this page, you can find the list of file extensions associated with the ENVI application.

There are currently 31 filename extension(s) associated with the ENVI application in our database.

ENVI is capable of opening the file types listed below. Conversion between the file types listed below is also possible with the help of ENVI. You can find more information about it in the application's manual.

Associated file types

.pts ENVI Ground Control Point File
.evf ENVI Vector Data
.ker ENVI Filter Kernel
.lut ENVI Look Up Table
.vec ENVI Vector Template
.slef Spectral Library Exchange Format Data
.mrsl THOR Metadata Rich Spectral Library Data
.sli ENVI Spectral Library Data
.ads ADS40 Header Data
.cam ADS40 Camera Calibration Data
.odf ADS40 Orientation Data
.sup ADS40 Socet Support Data
.adj ADS40 Orientation Adjustment Data
.ann ENVI Annotation Data
.dim TripleSat DIMAP Data
.cff ENVI Calibration Factors Data
.grd ENVI Grid Data
.roi ENVI Region of Interest Data
.grp ENVI Display Group Data
.est ENVI Linked Window Group Data
.fmt ENVI Tape Script
.dsr ENVI Density Slice Range Data
.bll ENVI Bad Lines List
.mos ENVI Mosaic Data
.pat ENVI Surface View Path Data
.lev ENVI Contour Levels Data
.hdr ENVI Header Data
.cnt ENVI PPI Count Data
.sta ENVI Statistics Data
.exp ENVI Band Math Expression Data
.ndv ENVI N-D Visualizer State Data

Important! There are many damaging, virus-infected applications on the Internet. Only download applications onto your computer from trusted, verified sources!

System requirements

You can find the system requirements for the ENVI application on the application's website and the application's manual. If you're not sure that your system meets these requirements, then consult the help of a professional!

We regularly check all the links that appear on our site, but it's still possible that a link doesn't direct you to the correct page. If you find a link that doesn't work on our site, then contact us at our e-mail address.

Supported operating systems

Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, iOS, Android