If you are seeking information about file extensions, then you are in the right place at right time.

Corel WordPerfect Office File Extensions

On this page, you can find the list of file extensions associated with the Corel WordPerfect Office application.

There are currently 45 filename extension(s) associated with the Corel WordPerfect Office application in our database.

Corel WordPerfect Office is capable of opening the file types listed below. Conversion between the file types listed below is also possible with the help of Corel WordPerfect Office. You can find more information about it in the application's manual.

Associated file types

.cpr Corel Presents Presentation
.shw Corel Presentations Document
.wq1 Quattro Pro Spreadsheet
.prt Corel Presentations Template
.wq! Quattro Pro Compressed Spreadsheet
.qpw Quattro Pro for Windows Spreadsheet
.cmx Corel Presentations Exchange Document
.rsl Corel Paradox Report
.vrm Quattro Pro Overlay
.fx2 Corel WordPerfect Office Template
.ths Corel WordPerfect Thesaurus Dictionary
.ix2 Corel WordPerfect Address Book
.vrs Corel WordPerfect Video Device Driver
.pqw Corel Presentations Slideshow Runtime
.wkq Corel Quattro Pro for DOS Spreadsheet
.qbe Corel Quattro Pro Saved Query
.clp Corel Quattro Pro Clipart
.trn Corel Quattro Pro Translation Support Data
.mxe Corel Quattro Pro Startup Macro
.qpx Corel Quattro Pro QuickColumn Settings Data
.qad Corel WordPerfect Office Thumbnail
.wmc Corel WordPerfect Macro
.csw Corel WordPerfect Setup Information Data
.s01 Corel WordPerfect Distribution Data
.lrs Corel WordPerfect Language Data
.irs Corel WordPerfect IRS Resource Data
.ccc Corel WordPerfect Office Calendar Data
.uwl Corel WordPerfect User Word List
.hst Corel WordPerfect Office History Data
.med Corel WordPerfect Macro Editor Data
.ppb Corel WordPerfect Print Preview Buttonbar Data
.ars Corel WordPerfect Office Audio Data
.uif Corel WordPerfect Long Prompts Data
.chs Corel Presentations Charts Style Data
.mst Corel Presentations Master Template
.som Corel Quattro Pro Network Serial Number
.qpx Quattro Pro QuickColumn Settings Data
.lgc Corel WordPerfect DTD Compiler Logic Data
.dmd Corel Quattro Pro Data Modeling Desktop Data
.fmb Corel WordPerfect File Manager Button Bar
.wcp Corel WordPerfect Product Information Data
.blk Corel WordPerfect Office Temporary BLK Data
.pln Corel WordPerfect Office Spreadsheet Data
.spc Corel WordPerfect Temporary Data
.ix Corel WordPerfect Office Template

Important! There are many damaging, virus-infected applications on the Internet. Only download applications onto your computer from trusted, verified sources!

System requirements

You can find the system requirements for the Corel WordPerfect Office application on the application's website and the application's manual. If you're not sure that your system meets these requirements, then consult the help of a professional!

We regularly check all the links that appear on our site, but it's still possible that a link doesn't direct you to the correct page. If you find a link that doesn't work on our site, then contact us at our e-mail address.

Supported operating systems

Windows Server 2003/2008/2012/2016, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Mac OS X, iOS, Android