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Details of extension .ssf

On this page, we're going to take a closer look at the .ssf file extension. We'll explain what exactly a .ssf fileformat is and how you can use it. If you're interested in learning more details about this type of file, we'll show you where to find them. And if you ever need to convert .ssf files into different formats, we'll give you some tips on how to do that too. Let's see the 8 file formats associated with this file extension!


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ssf file - Bioware Aurora Sound Set File

Bioware Aurora Sound Set File

The SSF file is a Bioware Aurora Sound Set. SSF file format is used to store Neverwinter Nights soundset information. Neverwinter Nights is a third-person perspective computer role-playing game that is based on third edition Dungeons & Dragons and Forgotten Realms rules.
Category: Game Data files
Application: Neverwinter Nights
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.sfl Sound Forge Audio Data
.cfa Adobe Premiere Conformed Audio
.efs SQ-80 Sample
.jrl Bioware Aurora Journal Data
ssf file - Trimble SSF Data

Trimble SSF Data

The SSF file is a Trimble SSF Data. Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office is a full-featured desktop application for managing and processing data from data collection systems
Category: GIS files
Application: GPS Pathfinder Office
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.cor Trimble Corrected SSF
.jxl TBC JobXML Data
.dbs Trimble GPS Data
.pos Trimble Position Data
ssf file - Sega Saturn Audio Data

Sega Saturn Audio Data

The SSF file is a Sega Saturn Audio Data. The Sega Saturn is a 32-bit video game console made by Sega.
Category: Audio files
Application: Audio Overload
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.gbf Nintendo Gameboy Advance Audio Data
.spc Super Nintendo Audio Data
.wsr Bandai WonderSwan Audio Data
.nsfe Nintendo NES Audio with Enhanced Tags
ssf file - GPS Pathfinder Office Almanac and Base Data

GPS Pathfinder Office Almanac and Base Data

The SSF file is a GPS Pathfinder Office Almanac and Base Data. Trimble GPS Pathfinder Office software is a software package of GNSS postprocessing tools, designed to develop GIS information that is consistent, reliable, and accurate from GNSS data collected in the field.
Category: GIS files
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.tab GPS Pathfinder Office Station or Session Table
.mrf GPS Pathfinder Office MRF Data
.ccf GPS Pathfinder Office Configuration Data
.ggf GPS Pathfinder Office Geoid Grid
ssf file - Smokeview Script Data

Smokeview Script Data

The SSF file is a Smokeview Script Data. Smokeview is a software tool designed to visualize numerical calculations generated by the NIST Fire.
Category: Data files
Application: Smokeview
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.svz Smokeview Compressed Data
.prt Fire Dynamics Simulator v4 Particle Data
.ini Smokeview Configuration Data
.s3d Fire Dynamics Simulator 3D Smoke Data
ssf file - Strand 300 Lighting Console Show Data

Strand 300 Lighting Console Show Data

The SSF file is a Strand 300 Lighting Console Show Data. Strand 300 is a lighting control system developed by Philips.
Category: Data files
Application: Philips Strand 300
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.hvd HoverDesk Theme
.wsk Whisset Media Player Skin
.sdm Sun Download Manager Download Instruction Data
.ust WiFi SiStr Exported User Theme
ssf file - Eventcorder Screenshots Data

Eventcorder Screenshots Data

The SSF file is an Eventcorder Screenshots Data. Eventcorder is a sophisticated recorder and player of Windows events.
Category: Data files
Application: Eventcorder
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.ebs Eventcorder Script
.ecf Eventcorder Data
ssf file - Snagit Studio Data

Snagit Studio Data

The SSF file is a Snagit Studio Data. SnagIt Studio is a screen capture software program developed by TechSmith.
Category: Data files
Application: Snagit Studio
Program name: -
Mime-type: application/octet-stream
Magic bytes (HEX): -
Magic string (ASCII): -
Related extensions:
.ssd Snagit Studio Design Data
.thumb Snagit Studio Thumbnail Data

The .ssf file extension might not only belong to a single type of file, there could be various kinds that use it. Keep in mind that files with the .ssf extension may contain various content types. If you have helpful information about this extension, write to us!

Could someone have spelled the .ssf file extension wrong?

In our database, we came across the following similar extensions:

.ssr FLEXIT Singleshot Survey Raw Data
.zsf Zend Server Exported Events
.csf VanDyke SecureCRT Script
.ssg Investor's Toolkit Data
.sse StrataSearch Data File
.ss SilverStripe Source Code

The .ssf extension is frequently misused

People sometimes confuse the .ssf filename extension. Based on the searches on our site, here are the most common misspellings from the past year.

ssr (1), zsf (1), csf (1), ssg (1), sse (1), ss (1), sfs (1), ssc (1), ssb (1), szf (1)

Having trouble opening a .ssf file?

If you want to open a .ssf file on your computer, you just need to have the appropriate program installed. Incorrect settings for the .ssf association can trigger this error.

Windows can't open this file:

File: example.ssf

To open this file, Windows needs to know what program you want to use to open it. Windows can go online to look it up automatically, or you can manually select from a list of programs that are installed on your computer.

To change file associations:

  • Right-click a file with the extension whose association you want to change, and then click Open With.
  • In the Open With dialog box, click the program whith which you want the file to open, or click Browse to locate the program that you want.
  • Select the Always use the selected program to open this kind of file check box.

Supported operating systems

Windows Server 2016/2019/2022, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows 11, Linux, Mac OS X, macOS, iOS, Android